1.空气感锁骨卷 发型脸型搭配设计 适合人群:不仅限于发量一般,发质既非过于柔软亦非过硬的个体;此外,对于圆脸、长脸、倒三角、方脸等多种面部轮廓都有极佳的兼容性。2.四六分梨花卷发 发型脸型搭配设计 适合人群:无论是哪一种面貌的人都能轻松驾驭,尤其是那些腮帮子略显宽大或颧骨线条明显的朋友们。3.三七分微卷波浪中长发 发型脸型搭配设计 适合人群:不论面部轮廓如何,这款风格都是万能之选,尤其是对于方脸和国字脸形的人来说,是一抹完美的风采点缀。4.中长内扣直发梨花头 发型脸型搭配设计 适合人群:除了那些拥有较为尖锐或平坦面部特征,如长脸和方脸之外,其余所有类型的美丽宝贝都能在这款造型下展现出自己的魅力。5.斜刘海层次内扣梨花头 发型faceshape搭配designing 适合person:1.含有丰富毛孔但又不至于拥挤满布;2.从坚韧到柔软再到普通各类质地;3.head hair是否粗细均可接受;4.round face, oval face, inverted triangle face 等多种不同比例与尺寸皆适用。
6.three-six division micro curls hairstyle design for all faces.
7.four-six division fluffy curls hairstyle design suited for those with average or low volume of hair and a mix of fine and medium textures suitable for round faces, oval shapes, and triangular shapes.
8.air wave bobbing curls hairstyle design appropriate for individuals with thin or moderate locks and soft to normal texture types suitable for diamond-shaped faces, square jawlines.
9.thin asymmetrical bangs tucked-in cherry blossom haircut style designed to complement various facial structures including round faces, egg-shaped profiles and long visages alike.
10.japanese-style thin bangs wavy hairstyles tailored specifically to those with sparse or moderate amounts of hair in combination with soft-to-normal hair textures fitting comfortably on oval-faced beauties as well as round-faced charm-bags.
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