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获奖消息公布后,日本电影界迅速回应。导演北野武接受雅虎日本采访时表示,“之前一直以西方为中心的电影奖项开始认可亚洲作品,这让人非常高兴。”而评论家莲实重彦则对此做出了更高评价,他向日本经济新闻说道,“Japanese cinema has entered its third golden age.”


当然,比起这部影片,更令人关心的是被看好的“第三黄金期”。众所周知,近代Japanese cinema已经走下坡路,有很长一段时间没有达到它曾经辉煌的水平。Japanese cinema’s first golden period can be traced back to the 1930s, when Chinese cinema was still in its infancy. Japan had already entered a golden era of film development, with major studios like Shochiku and Nikkatsu emerging as leaders.

The second golden period of Japanese cinema began in 1950. After the war, Japanese film industry underwent rapid development and growth. During this time, major studios such as Toho and Daiei dominated the market with large-scale productions that attracted international attention.

However, after experiencing two periods of glory, Japanese cinema fell into a decline due to various factors including economic downturns and changes in audience preferences. The independent filmmaking movement emerged during this period, leading to more diverse content creation but also limited resources for production.

Now that Japan's new generation filmmakers have achieved success on the global stage again through films like "Drive My Car", many are optimistic about a potential third golden age for Japanese cinema.

Similarly, Korean filmmakers are also making waves internationally with films like "Parasite" winning numerous awards at prestigious festivals worldwide. This trend is not only boosting confidence among Asian filmmakers but also opening up new opportunities for them to share their unique perspectives with global audiences.

For China's young directors who aspire to join these ranks of international acclaim it would be an exciting prospect if they could follow suit and make their mark on the world stage too!

标签: 30岁左右今年流行什么发型时尚发型男短发时尚发型图片女男士成熟发型2022最新图片最近很火的发型