在潮流界,Visvim、Kapital和Porter Classic等品牌无疑是众多玩家的知名度极高。尽管自然植物染料相比于工业化广泛使用的化学染料在上色固色效果上存在不确定性,但那种脱俗而又层次分明的自然颜调正是吸引着无数挑剔潮人士的心。
作为主要原料之一的「蓼蓝」,其盛产于亚洲地区,最早可追溯至7世纪从我国南部流传至日本德岛县。在日本明治时代,当外国人来访时,他们被街头一片蓝染景象所震撼,并将其称为「Japan Blue」。这项技术因布匹上的固色相对持久,以及抗菌防虫防紫外线等功能表现,在战国时代便风行一时,尤其常见于武士服衬衣。
今天,我们要介绍的是型糊-blue-dyeing,与我国灰缕相仿,其整个过程围绕着blue dye color tone, anti-dye agent and water resistance three major elements开展。此种工艺步骤繁复,大致包括图案设计雕刻版张网刷漆调制糊剂置版刮糊建blu-dyeing晾洗除糊等多个步骤,这样的细致生产意味着必须进行专业化细分化分工。
由于这种方便图案设计耐水类型制备特定的柿汁特制强韧纸纤维足够支撑重覆使用所需耐用度,所以可以更加方便地同一型版在布面上按顺序排列刮糊,将连续性印花图案逐一呈现,是倾向于高效系统操作的blue dyeing 工艺。不过,由于技艺要求很高,它仍然比逐针实现缝扎更符合生产需求,而且可以重复使用此类版本组合成各种雕花版本组合式样丰富多变。
当Japanese blue dyeing艺术在德岛达到全盛时期,有超过千位师傅参与其中,但后来因化学dyed带来的冲击以及匠人的接班问题发展至今仅剩下五位仍坚守古法dyed。但目前还有一些秉承天然dyeing技艺的人,或是家族事业,或曾诚心拜师学术者如BUAISOU创始人渡口健太楮觉郎两位成员就是如此开始携手工作并推动BUIASO品牌发展至今几年间,以他们来自大学毕业回到德岛三浦佑结城研加入促成了品牌多元化发展。
这些四名青年从种植Blue grass漂洗dyed to product design sewing all manual work show off the rustic beauty of traditional craftsmanship. In hot summer weather they first harvest the Blue grass separate branches and let them dry before using a traditional method called "Hellish Build" to create a mixture of wood ash rice bran and lime which takes four or five months to ferment.
The raw materials used in Sukumo dyestuff production are expensive due to limited annual harvests. The value of natural dyed products goes beyond just brand premiums as it also carries practicality with artisan spirit. BUAISOU not only produces their own products but also accepts custom orders for unique blue dyed items from customers who want bespoke creations.
As well as BUAISOU KATAZOME is also showcased in KATA KATA's individual colorful prints by founders Matsuyama Takeshi and Takahashi Chie who love both KATAZOME & traditional textile arts standing out amidst modern Tokyo in Shibuya district.
The couple researches dyeing techniques particularly skilled at blending traditional methods into contemporary aesthetics designs each fabric print created by their hands unique one-of-a-kind style similar to China's leaking board printing technology where paper molds divide colored areas brush on anti-dyebase reapply multiple times after coloring until entire design is outlined this technique preserves Japanese tradition yet offers fresh interesting styles unlike serene calmness of blue dyes such animal nature elements like whales bears otters tigers etc inspire their creative ideas while offering a lively fun youthful charm for those who prefer sunny boyish characters take note.