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最受欢迎的脸型是小脸型,例如鹅蛋脸、瓜子脸,大脸、长脸以及方脸等,这几种是最不受待见的脸型。因为每个人的脸型都不同,所以在发型的选择上,可以根据自己的脸型来挑选。 脸形有哪几种类型 TOP1、鹅蛋美人 在众多的美丽面容中,鹅蛋面部轮廓可以衬得上是最完美的面容了,也最符合当下人们追求自然和谐审美趋势。由于其宽度约占长度之二分之三,线条轮廓十分圆润,即使不经过后天精心打理,也能自然展现出优雅气质! TOP2、瓜子妩媚 与鹅蛋面部轮廓一样,瓜子面部轮廓也是典型的完美女性特征。很多人都分辨不过来,是不是鹅蛋?其实主要看下颌线弧度,而鹅蛋更为柔和,而瓜子则自然呈现出尖而不锐的角度,不同于鹅蛋面的少女感,更添几分风情妩媚。 TOP3、小圆甜梦 Vibrant beauty lies in the small round face, a perfect embodiment of youthful charm. Unlike big round faces, this one's key is "small," with five prominent features that stand out while maintaining a soft and delicate appearance. This sweet girl look is irresistible to many! TOP4、大饼平板 jarring for many women, the square jaw line face type is often dubbed as the "ugly" face shape. It's characterized by an over-wide jawline that gives off a rugged impression when smiling or laughing, making it more masculine than feminine. To avoid this unflattering look, it's crucial to balance facial features with proper hairstyles and makeup techniques.

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