Lips color classification is the first step in selecting a suitable lipstick shade for yourself. Generally, lip colors are divided into three categories: warm, cool and neutral.
There are several methods to test your skin undertones at home. One popular method is to look at the veins on the inside of your wrist under natural light. If they appear greenish, you have a warm undertone; if they appear bluish or purplish, you have a cool undertone; and if they appear neutral (neither green nor blue), then you have a neutral undertone.
Once you know your skin tone category, it's easier to choose lipstick shades that complement your complexion.
When matching lipsticks with our skin tone, we need consider not only the overall color but also its saturation level.
Personal preference plays an important role when choosing lipstick shades as well as considering lifestyle factors such as work environment and social occasions.
The best way to determine which shade suits us most is through trial and error by applying different lipsticks on our lips and looking for the one that makes them look their best.
Keep up with current trends in makeup industry by following beauty bloggers or watching YouTube tutorials can help inspire new ideas for finding perfect match lipstick shades.
8-10: 附加小技巧
8-9: 使用遮瑕膏来增强唇部轮廓,或者使用带有光泽质地的产品来突出嘴型。
10: 在购买之前先试用一段时间,以确保该口红在日常使用中也能保持良好的效果。