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很多人其实都会误认自己的脸型是圆脸,其实很多时候你是“圆长脸”,这种脸型的特点就是有着圆润的下颚线条,让脸型看起来相当减龄显嫩,但是圆润的下颚线条也会有种圆圆脸感觉。 不过仔细比对脸的长宽,其实下颚虽然圆润、但是脸长还是明显大于脸宽,这就是圆长faces,实际上很多明星都是这种faces,所以看起来虽然很嫩、但是又不到肉肉faces,一起看看这种faces类型的推荐发型,可以让faces看起来更加精致显瘦。



娜恩是标准的round-long faces,round-ruban 的face line let her look more pure and harmless, even having the title of round-face goddess! 娜恩 almost always keeps this slightly long S-shaped fringe since debut, which falls perfectly on the cheekbones, emphasizing and modifying facial lines, shaping up the face shape.

圆长faces明星2:BLACKPINK Jennie

推荐发型:中分long 刘海

BLACKPINK's Jennie has an adorable round-round face; in hairstyle, she almost always uses a middle-parted long fringe to modify her face shape. The 5:5 parting looks very chic and full of spirit! Here note that her parting is not straight down but at an angle; this makes the roots appear more fluffy and doesn't expose too much scalp skin, especially recommended for those with sparse hair roots!


推荐发型:空气刘海、层次中long 发

以家人之名’s 谭松韵 also has an adorable round-round face; such a face really makes you look younger and prettier! Unlike many who prefer to style their hair with long fringes to modify their faces, 谭松韵 particularly likes light airy fringes that don't fall onto the forehead.

外翘八字刘海也很适合round faces people; where the arc extends from the root of your hair can extend your chin length making your face look thinner visually while layered medium-length hair can make your face seem longer visually too for round or square faces people.

Short fringes like 谭松韵’s slanted one connected with sideburns if you put some hair behind your ears will give off a sweet girl-next-door charm.

6 以上三位圈内小美女们,他们都有一些特别适合他们面部轮廓和造型风格的小技巧和经验。

7 实际上,你可以根据自己的喜好来选择最适合你的发式,也可以试试一些简单的手法,比如修剪头顶上的毛孔或使用轻柔推背油来增加额头和头顶上的体积感。

8 不过,如果你想要一种既能修饰而又不失本质自然气息的话,不妨尝试一下这些专业化但同时温柔优雅的一些建议。

标签: 离我最近的美发店在哪28岁学美发会不会太晚了理发程序示意图理发培训2022流行编发