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ankercircular jaw girl can also try to braid hair, using the thick texture to achieve the effect of modifying the jawline, combined with a straight fringe, looking cute and playful.

头发紧贴脸颊滑落,是特别适合下巴圆润的女生的风格,更瘦脸,再搭配薄刘海,更显嫩。ankercircular jaw girl looks more charming with a light fringe that reveals her forehead slightly, appearing gentle and youthful.

ankershort hair is especially suitable for girls with round jaws. The hair is neatly styled and falls along the face, creating an elegant look. The internal folding design at the end of the hair makes the jawline appear sharper.

ankertop layer of hair is straight and smooth while the ends are curled for a certain degree of volume. This style suits circular jaw girls well. Add some accessories on top, you'll be even more slim-faced.


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