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最喜欢这款 刘海 的非杨幂莫属了,她们都知道杨幂的脸型属于方脸,脸部线条比较硬朗,轮廓比较立体,要打造温柔可人的气质,有了这款龙须 刘 海统统搞定,一般龙须 刘 海长度一直延伸到下颌,完美地修饰了下颌比较方的缺陷,让大幂幂看起来温柔又大方。

除了杨幂,还有迪丽热巴也是偏爱这款 刘 海的人,在跑男综艺上热巴顶着哪吒头加上龙须 刘 海简直无敌可爱、青春又有活力、少女感爆棚。迪丽热巴的额头是比较方的,但平时把 刘 海都梳上去,看起来非常英气,但是打造可爱呆萌的小女生也少不了 dragon tail 发来锦上添花。

龙须 Liu Hai 时尚搭配

Dragon Tail + Which Head


**Step 1: Divide your hair into five parts, then fix the top third of your head with a small rubber band.

**Step 2: Leave a small clump of hair in front and roll it into an arc shape using a straightening iron.

**Step 3: Fix the rolled hair with a black clip on both sides.

**Step 4: Use a straightening iron to roll the back hair into an arc shape and fix it with another black clip.

Second Style - Brow-up Liu Hai

This style is perfect for those who want to soften their face shape or add some cuteness to their look.

Third Style - Long Face Shape

For long face shapes, try this style to balance out your features.

Fourth Style - Round Face Shape

If you have round face, try this style to elongate your features and add some sophistication.

Fifth Style - Short Hair with Bangs

Try this style if you're looking for something easy yet stylish!

10.Short Hair Styles

a) Ear-length bangs

b) Side-swept bangs

c) Pixie cut

d) Bob

11.Hair Color Tips

a) Black hair can be paired with any color but might look older if not done right.

b) Blonde can make you look younger but might require more maintenance.

c) Red is perfect for those who want to stand out from the crowd!

d) Brown works well on most skin tones and adds warmth to your overall appearance!

12.*For short girls, short hairstyles work wonders! They can make you look even smaller yet more adorable at the same time.*

13.*If you are afraid of cutting too much off, start by trimming just below shoulder length first.*

14.*Remember that while shorter styles are great for summer they may not be as warm during colder months so consider layering under sweaters.*

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